Monday, July 11, 2011

Pain Care Bill of Rights

Whew! Storms passed. Roads are closed, trees down and deaths reported - none in my immediate neighborhood though. The worst is over so.....
I've been seeing a hospice bereavement counselor per my doctor's advice, and it has been tremendously helpful. She gave this to me recently.
Pain Care Bill of Rights
* The right to have your report of pain taken seriously and to be treated with dignity and respect by doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health care professionals.
*The right to have your pain thoroughly assessed and promptly treated.
The right to be informed by your doctor about what may be causing your pain, possible treatments, and the benefits, risks and costs of each.
*The right to participate actively in decisions about how to manage your pain.
*The right to have your pain re-assessed regularly and your treatment adjusted if your pain has not been eased.
*The right to be referred to a pain specialist if your pain persists.
* The right to get clare and prompt answers to your questions takes time to make decisons, and refuse a particular type of treatment you choose.
Source: American Pain Foundation, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.

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