Well, I was planning on writing a happy blog today. I'd been feeling better.
Ugh. So much for positive thinking.
I had to go to my doctor's office today to get some blood work - it's about 40 minutes away.
My husband worked from home today to take me since I hadn't been feeling well this week and thought I probably shouldn't risk the drive. Getting from here to there requires driving in very heavy traffic. So he planned to drive me on his lunch hour.
We got back and I was not feeling well at all. It was very hot and muggy here; my 19 year-old was home with a bunch of friends watching World Cup Soccer.
I sat down to eat.
The next thing I remember was I was staring at the ceiling of my kitchen with my husband towering over me.
I completely passed out, and he witnessed the whole thing. He said I was drenched in sweat and my body was extremely cold. I remember nothing.
Then I started to feel like I was going to throw up; I retched and retched. He hollered for Monica and together they got me to the guest bedroom. Then I passed out again. The next thing I remember was waking up in the guest bedroom wondering "what happened?"
I felt really weak.
I still feel very weak.
I have no idea what caused me to pass out, but boy - I was out cold.
So much for happy blogs!
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
As for tonight, I am quite certain I'll be taking it easy.