Saturday, August 28, 2010

What is important

It's easy to get distracted with day to day life and forget what's important. It's also easy to take things for granted. Both are things I consciously work on as well as working on my spiritual self.

Our weekend has been great so far - our oldest son is a football coach and enjoyed a solid win in game 1 against a formidable opponent. In the big scheme of life, it might seem that sports are not really important but when a young man is working with youth and yearns to teach them not only a sport, but the greater lessons of life - sports is a great avenue. In sports, everyone is equal regardless of religion, social status or race. Teamwork and hard work are are lifelong skills. Character and discipline are also important life lessons. We're so proud of our son and his impact on young lives. He once said he could never choose an occupation in which he was not having an impact on the lives of others, particularly youth. Involvement in sports is not as trivial as it might seem at first blush; there is an opportunity to impact and change the course of young people's lives forever. Watching him out there in his element (as well as in the high school classroom) makes us beam with pride, as he treats his players with respect and dignity. And to see how much they love him back is the greatest reward of all.

We also moved our daughter into her new apartment. She is sharing it with 5 (yes 5!) other fine young ladies. Two are from India, one from Central America, one from Mexico and only one other Caucasian. We are looking forward to this experience for her as one roommate is devoutly Hindu and she is learning the importance of understanding, tolerance and respect for others. As a U of M alum myself, it is one of the greatest things about the university - it's diversity, which is obvious in every area of the campus. It is not unusual to stroll around campus and listen to the Indian students singing acapella in their native language, while a group of LGBT students stands in a show of unity while in another area of campus Orthodox Jews observe their religious practices of dress and fasting from sundown to sundown. Everyone fits in. It seems like a microcosm of what life should be, especially in America.

I find that even though I'm the mother, I often have much to learn from my own children. There is nothing that brings more satisfaction to my husband and I than watching our adult children blossom and fly...
We can't wait to see what lies ahead!

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