Thursday, September 15, 2011

I've been so sick....

Still not feeling better; still not seeing light at the end of this tunnel. Then today, courtesy my friend Ms. Terri St. Cloud over at Bone Sigh Arts, I read this blog. And weep. I am not alone and God is with me.

Thanks, Ter. And thanks to the woman who posted this blog today.
My sign would say:

I am sick and my disease will kill me and I'll never grow old with my spouse or meet my grandkids and I'll never feel good again. Please be gentle with me. Please don't forget me. I am still alive.

You MUST read this:

1 comment:

  1. you are not're on the minds of so many of us! as a matter of fact.......i've got a goodie sitting right here ready to go your way tomorrow....been thinkin and thinking of you....
    i'm headin' to a shower. as weird as it sounds, i pray really good in there....will be prayin' for you.....
